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Aura Photography & Reiki 

The aura photographer captured Holy Fire® Reiki as it is being channeled by Dennie.
The above picture is the live view of Dennie channeling Holy Fire
® Reiki to the client.

Below is the Aura of the client. Only the client is touching a sensor to record her blue aura.
Watch as the energy of Holy Fire
® Reiki changes the clients auric field as the energy responds to what the healing needs are of the client.


Reiki services can be paid by Credit Card by adding to the Cart or by VENMO

Some Reiki Benefits

  • Reducing side effects and pain from chemotherapy and surgery for you & your pets

  • Promotes healing chronic conditions and acute illnesses for you & your pets

  • Shortens healing time, reducing or eliminating pain for your & your pets

  • Reducing stress, depression, grief and releasing emotional trauma for you & your pets

  • Detoxifies and balances energy for you & your pets

  • Relaxes you & your pets before medical procedures and dental work

  • You can receive regular medical and psychological treatments or prescription drugs while receiving Reiki with no side effects and improved results.                                                              

After a Reiki session my clients have reported feeling no tension, physically lighter with a sense of wellbeing and peace.


Reiki is available to patients in hospitals and clinics around the globe.

Reiki is Not a religion and has no Dogma.


"The Reiki method is not only for curing illness. Its purpose is to correct the heart-mind, keep the body fit, and lead a happy life using the spiritual capabilities human beings were endowed with since birth."   (Taken from the Memorial stone of Mikao Usui, founder of the Usui System of Reiki Healing.)

Sessions in Santa Rosa, Ca or on ZOOM
Please call to schedule an appointment (619) 737-7791 or use the booking calendar
Also accepted are: Zelle app using my name Dennie Sunbeam (7791)

Cancellation fee $25.00 for a no show or same day cancellation.




Reiki sessions are done either on-line via Zoom or in-person in  a private home in a dedicated healing space located in a safe neighborhood in Santa Rosa, CA

Depending on the circumstances, Dennie may come to you in a hospital in Santa Rosa or send Reiki to you.

Reiki, an ancient non-evasive gentle energy, assists the circulatory system, aids in balancing emotions, and naturally calms an over active mind. Reiki was revived by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1914 in Japan. Reiki is a Tibetan/Japanese technique, combining the Universal energy with your own, or your pet's, to promote wellness and healing of the physical, emotional, and mental issues by gently laying hands on energy pathways. You will be laying on a treatment table fully clothed in a quite, safe environment listening to soft soothing music during your one hour session. 


Cancellation fee of $25 for no show or less than 24 hours notice.


This session has the same healing potential as any in-person session. After it is scheduled and paid for a Zoom link is emailed to you. Your appointment is time sensitive.  You will need to be on time as there are other appointments that are scheduled around yours that will be affected.

If you are 8-10 minutes late you will be charged a $25 cancellation fee and it may also require you to rescheduled for another time.


1 hour + 10 min Session

The benefit of receiving a health energy reading is that Dennie uses her psychic sight to access your physical needs before your Reiki Session. This gives her the information she needs to fully heal what is in your highest good. This is especially good for those of you who are not getting the help you need from Western medical professionals.


Cancellation fee $25.00 for a no show or same day cancellation.



1 hour

This is a unique Reiki session where Dennie calls on ten Archangels whose healing abilities increase the results rarely seen in a regular healing session. This is particularly helpful for anyone with any chronic health condition, any emotional/physical trauma, as well as fear, strengthens your will to accomplish what you have been putting off, and connects you to your higher self.  This session has tremendous results that are not otherwise seen in a normal Reiki session.

When used on patients in the Oncology Unit the nurses reported that those who received it had miraculous healing results than those who did not.


Cancellation fee $25.00 for a no show or same day cancellation.

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Reiki for Pets is Sent Anywhere in the world


Reiki's life force energy does not need to be given in-person to be effective.  It is just as strong when it is sent to a person, pet or a situation.  It can be sent anywhere in the anyone...or for any time.  It can be programed to be sent at a certain time and place in the future. Reiki knows no boundaries.  It has no concept of being limited by physical space.  Above all, it can do No harm. Reiki will calm any animal while transporting them, preparing them for an airplane flight, event or competition, and before or after a visit to a Veterinarian. Reiki will heal any trauma that your adapted pet has been suffering from like: physical abuse, neglect, emotional stress, anxiety, grief, fire, abandonment and more.Remote Reiki is the safest and surest healing method for your pet to experience and fully recover from trauma. You will notice a difference after the first session. It may take more than one session to fully heal your pet to be healthier and happy and to be socially adaptable. They cannot get the therapy that you and I can and this is how you can do your part in getting them the help they desperately need.


"My dog Skye was rescued from the meat trade in South Korea where dogs are horribly mistreated.  Her US adopters weren't any better. After 2 months of keeping her in a crate, they dumped her and her filthy crate in a field. She was understandably very scared, shut down and wary of humans. After giving her a safe space to decompress and lots of treats, I wanted to see if there was anything else I could do to help her feel safer. I found Dennie's website and decided to try the remote Reiki since Skye only trusts me at this point. I feel it has really helped her. She has been receiving Reiki twice a week for two months and now I am able to pet her, she wags her tail more and she sleeps soundly even when I am walking nearby. Thank you Dennie for helping my sweet dog who deserves to have a happy life after all she's been through.” Tina Faux


Cancellation fee $25.00 without 24 hours notice.


2 Hours at a residence, business or a place of worship

Have you walked into a room and immediately felt uncomfortable and wondered why? Done your errands and discovered you returned in a disagreeable and wondered why. What happened?

The answer is that negative energy attached to you causing a feeling of discomfort when you entered that room and in a disagreeable mood as you moved through the daily tasks of shopping, post office, etc.

Now, consider where that negative energy goes if you continue to carry it with you while you go to work, visit a friend, or return home, etc.

Here are just a few scenarios to heighten your awareness around the passing of negative energy.

Example: You are arguing in a public place. That energy exchange leaks into that space as it spreads by the spoken word. Anyone who walks through that energy you unknowing put there will be hit with that negativity and feel the effects of your anger and take it with them. Have you gone to a store in a good mood and come out in a not so good mood?

Clearing needs to be performed when:

  • moving into a new space

  • after a social gathering

  • after family visits

  • after a delivery of anything that is brought into your home

  • after repairman or technician comes into your home 

  • after a heated argument

All of these situations can have the tendency to leave negative energy that can attach to you, making you feel moody, depressed, angry or anxious. 


Reiki and Reiki symbols, Sage, Palo Santo are used to remove the stuck negative energy and replace it with positive energy. If necessary, crystals are purchased and programed by Dennie to protect your home and placed to hold the protection indefinitely unless they are moved. It's not magic, nor is it a religious ritual. Put simply, it works.  Call Dennie to schedule an appointment and/or ask her questions. (619) 737-7791

© 2022 The Mystical Energy

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